The Dog's Mystery


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The Dog's Mystery is an interactive narrative with multiple choices and endings. Help a young kid to uncover the mystery of a suspicious dog.

Development tools: HTML, CSS & Javascript
Platform: Web
Role: Narrative Designer and Programmer
Team: Dominga Parraguez (Narrative Designer & Art)

My Contribution

In-game images
In-game images
In-game images
In-game images
In-game images
In-game images
In-game images
In-game images

Extract of narrative flowchart
Extract of narrative flowchart

Narrative Designer

  • Created and crafted the storyline for the game.
  • Wrote the game's narrative content and dialogues, including translation from the original text in Spanish.
  • Designed and structured the narrative flowchart to outline all possible story paths and endings.


  • Developed the game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for certain features.
Download flowchart


What went well

  • We managed to create a fun interactive story. The players showed interest in playing multiple times to discover all the possible endings.
  • The collaborative process between team members facilitated efficient development and clear communication.

What went wrong

  • Struggled with adapting the game to various screen sizes due to artwork dimensions and interface, resulting in suboptimal display on medium-sized screens. We should have taken this into account before making all the assets.

What I learned

  • Embracing simplicity can lead to creating something remarkable with fewer resources.
  • I learned to write branching narratives as a valuable skill.